fetch method
Fetches a record from the store by category and name.
Throws an AskarSessionException if the session is closed. Returns an EntryObject if the record is found, otherwise returns null.
Future<EntryObject?> fetch({
required String category,
required String name,
bool forUpdate = false,
bool isJson = false,
}) async {
_throwOnNullHandle("Cannot fetch from a closed session");
EntryListHandle? entryListHandle;
try {
final fetchResult = await askarSessionFetch(handle!, category, name, forUpdate);
if (!fetchResult.errorCode.isSuccess()) {
return null;
entryListHandle = fetchResult.value;
final entry = Entry(list: entryListHandle, position: 0);
return entry.toJson(shouldParseValueToJson: isJson);
} catch (e) {
throw AskarSessionException('Failed to fetch entry: $e');
} finally {
if (entryListHandle != null) {